Monday, July 5, 2010

Review: Paisley Hanover Kisses and Tells - Cameron Tuttle

Where I got it: ARC from the Publisher (Penguin)
Rating: 3.5 stars
Cover Rating: 3 stars (*shakes head* it's just not Paisley, this model is too old and not red-headed.)
Genre: Young Adult
Publication Date: July 8, 2010
Publisher: Dial
Page Count: 346 p.

Paisley Hanover is back! Well... she's in detention, but she will be back. She's dying to know the result of the class elections. But, when she finds out it may not be quite the result she was looking for. When Paisley's UnFriends and PopFriends start to mingle and pick up a "Vive la Résistance" sort of attitude Principal Canfield better watch out. People like Miss UnPleasant, but they love Paisley Hanover. Which is what gets Paisley stuck in a Bermuda Love Triangle, love. With a protest that is all about her but rarely seems to include her, two boys vying for her attention and a newspaper deadline, this is certain to be another interesting few days of life at Pleasant Hell(oops I mean Hill ;).

Again we get to follow Paisley around. Though, this time things are kicked up a notch. We finally get to figure out why Jen (her best-y) was so weird in the first novel. The Paisley Hanover books seem to pack a lot of action into just a few days, which is very realistic to high school drama and the general chaos of it. I really enjoyed all the twist and turns and all the random protests. I don't have a whole lot to say about this second novel. It was laugh-out-loud funny at some parts and very nicely paced. The love triangle is very fascinating and all of the character's emotions seem genuine and true. If you enjoyed the first book, then you certainly have to read this one. They are both fun and liad-back reads just in time for summer(as long as you don't mind reading about more school).

First Lines:
"There are thirty-seven blue lines on this page of notebook paper, 134 greenish flecks in the tile next to my right foot, and seven rock-hard chunks of dried up gum stuck under this table. Gross."

Favorite Line:
"The arthritic claw of death chomped down on my shoulder, followed by a wave of hoots and laughter all around me." 

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